Day 73 and 74: Calculated Risk

I’ve got a couple of days of heads-down work now, to finish Secret Plan 161 (or at least get it over the first major hurdle). There’s also a lot of work to do on the telescope software for SP174. I’ve discovered a new desk downtown. It’s tall, so you stand while you work, which is a pleasant change. Starting at the Ferry Building in San Francisco, walk to the intersection of Market and Pine, and you’re standing right on top of the place. About 40 feet below you (under the street), you’ll find it. It’s Peet’s, which means the coffee … Continue reading Day 73 and 74: Calculated Risk

Day 60: Observatory

You know Dad, but you might not know Chuck. He’s one of Mom & Dad’s best and smartest friends. Chuck is an engineer who makes aircraft navigation systems for Northrop Grumman, and is also a volunteer rescue guy for Sierra Madre Search and Rescue. As you might imagine, when he tells stories, they’re excellent. Today, the three of us are beginning a special project. In the San Gabriel mountains near Pasadena is the Mount Wilson Observatory. The sign says “Authorized Vehicles Only” but today that’s us. When the Mt. Wilson Observatory’s 60-inch telescope was built, it was the largest telescope … Continue reading Day 60: Observatory

Day 31: Planets and Light Bulbs

Today I found out that you can have a cruddy day-where-nothing-goes-right even when you’re not at work. I tried to do a bunch of things, and was thwarted in every single one. Grr. After a few hours, just to get back in control, I headed home and started fixing things. Just everything. Light bulbs, paint, garden sprinklers, bills, dishes, whatever looked unthwartable. That was the turning point. After that, even things which had gone wrong earlier started resolving themselves. I didn’t take any pictures hardware stores and light bulbs (you’re welcome), so here are some more telescope pictures. The cat … Continue reading Day 31: Planets and Light Bulbs